
Our sustainability program is an integral element of our corporate strategy. It is IDT Biologika’s journey to set the path for our sustainable future regarding various environmental, social and governance factors with the clear ambition of putting the planet and people in the center of everything we do.


IDT Biologika has been awarded the EcoVadis Gold Medal 2024 – for the sustainability measures undertaken in the field of environment, employment and human rights, ethics, and sustainable procurement.

This acknowledges IDT as amongst the 5 % of top performers assessed by the EcoVadis sustainability assessment platform.


For us, sustainability begins with our value system. IDT Biologika embraces social responsibility, dedicating itself to environmental protection and the sustainable, efficient utilization of resources. We foster human interaction and uphold the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. We support the global goals of the United Nations Global Compact in the areas of human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption.

IDT Biologika is also involved in the following regional and national networks:

Our development and manufacturing processes are to meet the highest environmental, social, and governance standards. Read more about our commitment at a glance:


We are committed to apply energy saving measures as well as a sustainable procurement to minimize our impact both in how we produce vaccines, cell and gene therapeutics and biologics and how we avoid waste:

  • Sustainable procurement: Procurement and supplier evaluation according to social, environmental and ecological factors
  • Reduction of energy consumption: : Maintaining ISO 50.001 Energy Management Certification
  • Expansion of own power generation using photovoltaic systems
  • Environmental-friendly transport



Our talented workforce is a fundamental element of our success. We aim to provide them with a healthy, safe, and diverse working environment, fair wages and opportunities for growth and development. The promotion of safety is part of our corporate culture. With this, IDT fulfills its responsibility towards employees and society.

  • Reduction of sickness rate by health & safety management
  • Prevention and protection against discrimination
  • Equal opportunities in respect of recruitment, selection, training, promotion, compensation and benefits
  • IDT has a high proportion of female employees, e. g. total: 45 % male / 55 % female employees; managers 57 % male / 43 % female (HQ Germany)



IDT Biologika’s corporate governance counts with transparent organizational structures, processes and responsibilities. We wish to be a fair, reliable, and trustworthy partner for customers, business associates, and employees.

What are the main elements?

  • Our risk-based Compliance Management System (CMS) with great focus on environment and social issues
  • Our Corporate Code with a clear commitment to respecting human rights and dedicated goals in energy and sustainability policy
  • Our Business Continuity Management (BCM) and the Information Security Management System (ISMS) as further elements of IDT´s sustainable corporate governance.


Sustainability Report

Sustainability is a central element of our company culture. Our goal is a sustainable future that is worth living in. With our economically, ecologically, and socially sustainable actions we aim to improve quality of life for people and secure the livelihoods of the present generation and those to come.

This sustainability report was drafted on the basis of the guidelines and standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). Reporting period is the 2023 business year. This report was assessed externally by VEA – Bundesverband der Energie-Abnehmer e. V. and supported with regard to GRI classification.