Ethics & Compliance
As a scientific and technological company, we bear a high level of responsibility. Our compliance management system offers a clear framework for our decisions and actions. It is based on our Code of Conduct and other compliance guidelines.
All employees are required to observe the principles specified therein and to contribute to us meeting our corporate responsibilities and our ethical standards in our daily work. In our interaction with our employees, customers and partners from throughout the world we place great emphasis on a partnership based on fairness and trust. Our goal is to conceive a values-based, sustainable corporate culture.
Code of Conduct
IDT Biologika is committed to undertaking its business and research activities in a legal and ethical manner. We are a reliable partner to customers, partners and suppliers as well as within the company and utilize our work approach to establish trust.
Our Code of Conduct points the way in our daily work: it shows how we aim to act in our working and business life in order to implement our common goals successfully. The foundation for this is the values and culture of our company – for co-operation built on partnership and ethical, sustainable business activities.
The German
Supply Chain Act
This law has applied to IDT Biologika since 01.01.2024. However, we have been dealing with the legal requirements for some time now and have drawn up the following two documents a company policy statement on human rights and environmental concerns…
… and IDT’s rules of procedure on the complaints procedure in accordance with the German Supply Chain Act.
If you have any further questions, please contact the IDT Biologika Human Rights Committee at humanrights-commitee@idt-biologika.de.
Code of Conduct for Suppliers
The Code of Conduct for Suppliers and Service Providers is based on German and international legal requirements and recognised industry standards.
It defines our requirements with regard to general business principles and fair competition, labour and social standards, environmental protection and product safety, which we expect our business partners to comply with.
Business Partner Review Policy
Due to legal requirements and in order to minimize risks for IDT Biologika, we are committed to subjecting our suppliers and customers to a business partner review upon initiation of the business relationship and also on an ongoing basis.
The details of this review can be found in our IDT Biologika Business Partner Review Policy.
Guidelines regarding business relations with Russia
IDT Biologika shares the international criticism of the attack of the Russian Federation on Ukraine in breach of international law and unequivocally condemns this inhumane war. In view of this, special regulations apply with regard to business relations with Russia.

Whistleblower Policy
IDT is committed to conducting its business activities with integrity and in accordance with the applicable laws, regulations and company guidelines.
If you have specific information that we are failing to meet this standard, and you have observed conduct that breaches the principles of our Code of Conduct, our internal regulations or even laws, please share this information with us and assist actively in the subsequent investigation. This offer is extended to our employees, but also to customers, suppliers and other business partners.
You are all therefore cordially invited to share your thoughts with us via our whistleblower system of the company LegalTegrity by e-mail or telephone. Should you wish to remain anonymous and not provide your contact details, you can also establish a secure mailbox.
The details of how our whistleblower system works are described in the IDT Biologika Whistleblower Policy.
If you have any questions or suggestions regarding our Ethics and Compliance, please contact our Head of Legal & Compliance, Tino Drosdziok:
Email: compliance@idt-biologika.de