Whitepaper AAV LV Viral Vector Background Graphic
White Paper
Overcoming Challenges in AAV and LV Viral Vector Manufacturing
How to Design and Launch a
Successful Clinical Trial Manufacturing

Mathias Kahl, Stephan Bauer, Dr. Daniel Köhler, Dr. Tobias Thom, Rico Hinrichs, Stefan Borutzki, Christina Pospisil, Dr. Rico Schmidt, Erik Arnold, Dr. Thomas Kreisig

<p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Overcoming Challenges in AAV and LV Viral Vector Manufacturing: How to Design and Launch a Successful Clinical Trial Manufacturing</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>
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Cell and gene therapies are growing exponentially across the pharmaceutical field due to their potential to treat and possibly cure a wide range of devastating diseases, including cancer. As these therapies are becoming more wide spread, many drug sponsors are approaching trials with limited knowledge of how to design and launch a successful clinical trial manufacturing (CTM) process. This includes how to strategically investigate and manufacture adeno-associated virus vectors (AAVs) and lentiviral vectors (LVVs), two of the leading viral vectors used for gene therapeutics. Sponsors are faced with a stark learning curve that, without intervention, may lead to high costs, delays, and a failure to bring their drug to patients. …



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